Author Guidelines

  1. Articles are and or are taken from the results of research in the field of economic social studies in a broad sense that has not been previously published or is not in the process of publishing in other scientific publications.

  2. Manuscripts are sent to the editor of the Jurnal Riset Pangan by online [Submit]

  3. Writing Format:
    • Articles are written in Indonesian with abstracts in English or vice versa. The maximum length of article 12 pages A4 spacing 1 is completed with abstracts and keywords including tables and images if any.

    • Posts for research results consist of title page, name (without the academic degree) and author's / agency's address. The next page contains titles and abstracts along with keywords, without the author's name. The next page contains INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS or METHODOLOGY, RESULTS, AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS and REFERENCES. No attachments are allowed.

    • TITLE must be short (maximum 14 words or 10 in English) and describe the contents.

    • AUTHORS The forename and surname of each author are to be stated below the title. The institutional affiliations of authors are to be written below the names. If the coauthors are not all at the same institution or department, numbers in suffix should be used to refer to the affiliations (1, 2). The name and e-mail of the corresponding author should be mentioned, marked with an asterisk (*)

    • ABSTRACT 250-300 words and only one paragraph that describes the essence of the entire contents of the writing, contains the purpose of the research, the methodology used and the most important results in the study. Keywords of 4-5 words are arranged alphabetically and placed on a separate line at the end of the abstract.

    • INTRODUCTION explains the background, problems, studies (reviews) of important literature and research objectives

    • MATERIALS AND METHODS or METHODOLOGY describes the place and time of research, the approach or methodology used, data analysis carried out.

    • RESULTS AND DISCUSSION present the results of the study along with information and interpretation of data, as well as comparisons with data obtained previously if any. Data that has been presented in a table or image does not need to be written down again in the text, enough interpretation, and discussion.

    • CONCLUSION summarizes the overall unit or results of the study. Draw broad conclusions, do not make superficial conclusions with suggestions that the need for further research, advice if any.

    • Acknowledgment if any.

    • REFERENCES record all quotations included in the text. Library citations from journals / proceedings include the name of the author, year of publication of publication title, name of journal / proceeding, volume and number and page, while the excerpt from the book includes the name of the author, publisher's year, book title, edition, publisher, publisher city and page. Library references refer to the latest primary reference, the last ten years of writing.

    • In the text, references should be cited as follows: single author (Morris, 1991); two authors (Barton & Moore, 1994); more than two authors (Levi et al., 1994). When several references are cited simultaneously, they should be ranked by chronological order e.g.: (Petrovic et al., 2011; 2015) and when their publications are in the same year – alphabetically. All published works referred to in the text must be listed in the reference list and vice versa.

      A reference list is arranged alphabetically (by the surname of the first author) and chronologically. When citing several publications by the same author, his individual publications are given first, followed by publications in co-authorship (with one co-author, two co-authors, etc.). It is desirable to list the names of all authors.

      Names of authors and journal titles in Cyrillic or alphabet different from Latin should be transliterated into Latin and article titles should be translated into English. The original language of articles and books translated into English is indicated in brackets after the bibliographic reference (in Bulgarian = Bg, in Russian = Ru, in Serbian = Sr, in Chinese – Ch, etc.).

      Example: Stoyanova, N., Antonova, V. & Serbezova, D. (2015). A study of introduced black currant varieties. Rastenievadni auki, 52(2), 25-28 (Bg).

      In transliteration, letters are replaced as follow: А=A, Б=В, В=V, Г=G, Д=D, Е=Е, Ж=Zh, 3=Z, И=I, Й=Y, K=К, Л=L, М=М, Н=N, О=О, П=Р, Р=R, С=S, Т=Т, У=U, Ф=F, X=H, Ц=Тs, Ч=Сh, Ш=Sh, Щ=Sht, Ъ=А, Ь=Y, Ю=Yu, Я=Ya.

      The journal follows the APA citation style. Data in the reference list should be cited as follows:

      Journal articles

      Author(s) surname and initials, given bold, year, title, journal title (in italic), volume (in italic), number, pages. Examples: Popova, V., Drachev, D. & Nikolova, V. (2006). Investigation on the burning properties of Burley tobacco grown in different regions of Bulgaria. Tobacco, 56(7-8), 159-164.

      Solomon, P. S. & Oliver, R. P. (2001). The nitrogen content of the tomato leaf apoplast increases during infection by Cladosporium. Planta, 213(2), 241-249.


      Author(s) surname and initials are given bold, year, title, edition, name of the publisher, place of publishing. Example:

      Lidanski, T. (1998). Statistical methods in biology and agriculture. Samizdat, Sofia (Bg)

      Book chapters or conference proceedings

      Author(s) surname and initials, given bold, year, title. In: Title of the book or of the proceedings followed by the editor(s), name of the publisher, place of publishing, volume, pages. Examples:

      McGrath, S. P. (1998). Phytoextraction for soil remediation. In: Plants that hyper accumulate heavy metals. CAB Int., Wallingford, UK, 261-287.

      Georgiev, D., Dinkova, H. & Georgieva, M. (2008). Study of newly introduced cultivars of black and red currant. In: Sustainable Fruit Growing: From Plant to Product, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, Latvia, 46-53.

      Abstracts of reports on scientific forums

      Paychex, V. (1994). Hybrids between (Triticum aestivum L. x Secale cereale L.) and Triticale (2n=6х=42). In: 3rd International Triticale Symposium, 13-17 June 1994, Lisbon, Portugal (Abstracts), B-12.

      Dissertations and Philosophy Doctor Theses

      Petrova, V. (2015). Economically important pests of apple and fight with them at various technologies of cultivation. Dissertation, Kyustendil, Bulgaria.

      Kenyon, L. (1990). Pathogenicity mutants of Fulvia vulva (Cooke). Ph.D. thesis, University of East Anglia, UK

  4. Writing should be :
    • The quality of writing, determined by the state-of-the-art modernity of science and technology, the sophistication of perspectives and approaches, the novelty of findings for the knowledge presented, the completeness of cultivation and the greatness of the theory and breadth of each article.

    • Originality, shown in the contribution to science and technology.

    • The sharpness of analysis and synthesis

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